Who am I?

Me, condensed into tabular form:

Name:Eric Stein
Hobbies:Baking, Free Software, Hacking, Living, Photography, Reading
Music:Classic Rock, Classical, Darkwave, Electroclash, Electronica, Indie Pop, Industrial, Metal, Pop Punk
Favorite Technologies:Apache Web Server, FreeBSD, Functional Programming, Gentoo Linux, Xen, Debian Linux, Bash, Javascript, PHP, Python, Relational Databases, SVN
Education:High School Diploma, Clonlara School, May 2005
Associate in Science, Northern Essex Community College, Magna Cum Laude, May 2005
Bachelor of Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, May 2009
Master of Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, May 2009

Where else can you find me?

How can you contact me?

IRC:Toba on libera
Email:toba [at] des (period) truct {another of those dots} org
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